Making compliance easier (formerly Managing rule breaking)
Presentations and flipcharts
Animations in French
Formerly called 'Managing rule breaking', this tool has been revised to focus on more of the ways rules and procedures are sometimes not followed. Making compliance easier is about improving human performance through making rules and procedures easier to comply with. Procedures don’t always reflect ‘work as done’, and people may find themselves in situations where the job can’t get done if rules and procedures are followed.
At its heart, Making compliance easier is about acknowledging that workers have good intentions and are trying to get the job done under difficult circumstances.
The tool is designed to:
- - help the organisation understand what types of mistakes and non-compliances are happening;
- - explore what are the causes of these mistakes and non-compliances (i.e. identify ‘problem procedures’), and
- - put in place a consistent approach to improving rules and procedures and the working environment, to improve compliance.
The booklet includes five attachments:
- Procedures and practices questionnaire
- Improving compliance worksheet
- Positive behaviours worksheet
- Improvement actions for mistakes worksheet
- Improvement actions for non-compliances worksheet
How to use
Making compliance easier contains workshop exercises, theory, models and worksheets, focusing on the solutions to different types of mistakes and non-compliances. Use it with managers to clarify the organisation’s policy and system for managing unsafe acts and learning from incidents. Use it with supervisors and their staff to determine if procedures are being used and how they can be improved.
Note that Making compliance easier (4th edition) is only available in English language. All other language versions are of earlier versions of Managing rule breaking.

Formerly called 'Managing rule breaking', this tool has been revised to focus on more of the ways rules and procedures are sometimes not followed. Making compliance easier is about improving human performance through making rules and procedures easier to comply with. Procedures don’t always reflect ‘work as done’, and people may find themselves in situations where the job can’t get done if rules and procedures are followed.
At its heart, Making compliance easier is about acknowledging that workers have good intentions and are trying to get the job done under difficult circumstances.
The tool is designed to:
- - help the organisation understand what types of mistakes and non-compliances are happening;
- - explore what are the causes of these mistakes and non-compliances (i.e. identify ‘problem procedures’), and
- - put in place a consistent approach to improving rules and procedures and the working environment, to improve compliance.
The booklet includes five attachments:
- Procedures and practices questionnaire
- Improving compliance worksheet
- Positive behaviours worksheet
- Improvement actions for mistakes worksheet
- Improvement actions for non-compliances worksheet
How to use
Making compliance easier contains workshop exercises, theory, models and worksheets, focusing on the solutions to different types of mistakes and non-compliances. Use it with managers to clarify the organisation’s policy and system for managing unsafe acts and learning from incidents. Use it with supervisors and their staff to determine if procedures are being used and how they can be improved.
Note that Making compliance easier (4th edition) is only available in English language. All other language versions are of earlier versions of Managing rule breaking.